Grandma’s Frog Legs
Filed Under Poegles | Leave a Comment
Yesterday in our newsletter we sent out a little excercise:
A creative writing exercise: Your grandmother’s kitchen
1. Draw a picture of your grandmother’s kitchen.
2. In the picture, you must portray something green and something dead.
3. Write a poem or story about the drawing.
4. Halfway through, a female relative must enter the poem/story
We got this charming response from Donna in Ohio:
Grandma Dear
Grandma dear, see here, see here
what is in your kitchen near?
Green frog legs, from froggies dead
legs cut off, dripping red.
Grandma what have you done?
sent those froggies on the run,
jumping high, jumping low
jumping towards the river below.
Little sister what will you do?
your froggy has sung the froggy blues,
quickly sneak it out the door
send granny to the grocery store.
Let her buy green eggs and ham –
what about a rack of lamb?
Just leave those froggies all alone,
sitting on their toadstool throne.
-Donna in Ohio