Week 1

Week 1

So, we’re off.  Week one of the Mustaches 4 Kids competition is underway.  I celebrated the end of the first week by getting a shave at the nearest Italian barbershop here in Brooklyn.

One of the esteemed founders of Poegles.com has decided to use this platform of poegling enthusiasts to support a good cause. Mustaches 4 Kids, a charity, has teamed with DonorsChoose.org to help raise $1,000,000 for classrooms around the country by challenging men to find sponsorship to grow their mustaches.

I’ll be supporting four projects of a literary nature that will bring poetry into the lives of needy kids. I hope to raise $1,577 to support these efforts:  So far I’ve raised $180 with 6 donors supporting the ‘stache.  The projects I’m supporting include:

An ‘oral history’ recording project for 20 incredibly inquisitive fourth-graders in a public South Bronx school.
A project to purchase children’s poetry books for kids in a public elementary school in Winston-Salem, NC.
Creating a ‘poetry library’ for 21 inner-city second graders in Washington, D.C.
Creating a ‘poetry library’ for a special needs class in Ohio.

You’ll note on the side bar here at www.poegles.com we have added a widget to track my progress.

You can visit my page to contribute, should you so choose. If you feel up to growing a mustache, please join us in this endeavour!


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