Maternal Instincts

Filed Under Poegles 

The following poegle comes to us from the Upper West Side of Manhattan, from Brad.  It’s a submission in the Friday Poegle Contest, the theme for which this week is “my mother”.

Maternal Instincts

Could you kill?
I can get away with more.
Last night I had this dream.
My fiancé,
Another woman,
A baby, etc. etc.

I couldn’t escape.
Dusting the house
In sensible heels,
Dropping them off,
Eyes brimming with tears.
This is all just theory.

I try hard.
She says I can’t relate.
What can I do with
Doubt, frustration, hesitation.
The struggle.
What will it make me do?

Growing up
Never liked never wanted,
That feeling of loss
I Thought I would love,
Being free.
I can tell this bothers you.

Weren’t we humans?
I would never harm my children.
Wrapped in newspaper.
The steps of a church.
The terror.
Being solely responsible.

Like I said,
Last night I had this dream.
This is true.
And after all this time,
It isn’t going to change.
It isn’t going to change.

-Brad in Manhattan (search phrase “my maternal instincts”)


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