Round Room

Sitting in a giant room that makes you feel so uncomfortably small
To the point where you’re comfortably numb
You begin to play music alongside of the nothingness that surrounds
Yourself and what it feels like other individuals who share the same
Experience with you in this exact moment in time

You, being alone but not completely marooned behind darkness
You begin to listen to anything or anyone around you
There was no one to begin with
It just becomes another day without

The absent-minded pain begins to reflect upon the round room
Where you begin to spin with thoughts that you think others can hear
But still, no one
To hear the thoughts of your philosophical rant about this and that

You kept talking without thought
Like there was no bridge between mind and mouth
Like anything you thought was immediately brought to life without thinking twice
Rest assured, everyone knows

People look at you like you’re crazy
You think you’re the sane one, they’re the kooks
They’re the people who know nothing around or about them
It’s ignorance, curiosity and mental passion to disprove what you think

Just jump or roll around for a while and they’ll go but won’t forget
They take one last look at you while you suffer from the pain they inflict within you
You look at them when they glance at you, and for that split second you realize
It’s yourself who is looking at you in this round room of disgust, hate, and lifeless character

-Bernie in Ohio (search phrase “round”)


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